Monday, October 4, 2010

New Book! "Journey to Barditchev"

Marking the passage of two hundred years since the journey of the Alter Rebbe, Rabbi Schneur Zalman, author of the Tanya and the Shulchan Aruch, to Barditchev in the year 5570 [1800], and marking two hundred and fifty years since the passing of the Baal Shem Tov - one of the aims of the said journey being to pray at his gravesite in Mezubush - a Hebrew language book has been published describing that journey.

The story of the journey - conducted between the months of Tevet - Sivan 5570 [1800] - has been reconstructed from dozens of testimonials and descriptions of events, compiled to present a complete picture - by Rabbi Yehushua Mundshine, who eloquently describes the details of the trip, and also describes the historical background related to the Rebbe's conduct during this period, which are connected to this journey and the events surrounding it.

As the story unfolds, important details are uncovered concerning the close relationship on the one hand, and the differences of opinion on the other hand, with several of the great Tzadikim of the time, including: Rabbi Avraham of Kalisk, Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Barditchev, the Shpoler Zaida, Rabbi Baruch of Mezubush, Rabbi Nachman of Breslov and Rabbi Yisroel of Ruzhin who was at that time still a youth.

Between the lines many details of the Alter Rebbe's opinion and position regarding matters of Torah study, philosophy, regulations and leadership, emerge that have a direct connection to the "Journey to Barditchev".

The book was produced and marketed by 'Chazak' Publishing.

- adapted from "shturem"

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