Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Reb Chaim Oizer on the Rebbe Rayatz's Efforts for Russian Jewry

This letter was written in Tammuz 5688 [1928] less than a year following the Rebbe's release from soviet imprisonment and exile. At the time the Rebbe was living in Riga, Latvia.
Click on images to enlarge:


  1. The second letter indicates that the letter was written on June 24, 1938, which would be ten years later then what you state.

  2. Think logically,

    You are right. However when I made the statement that it was written in 1928, I thought logically:

    1) In the letter Reb Chaim Oizer refers to "Rabbi Schneersohn, now in Riga". By 1938 the Rayatz was no longer in Riga but in Warsaw, Poland.
    2) In the letter RCO writes "next time we will forward to you a detailed report signed by the Chofetz Chaim", seeing as the Chofetz Chaim passed away in 1933, we can assume that the letter was probably written before 1938.
    3) Although the Rayatz continued to campaign on behalf of Russian Jewry all his life, it is more likely that he would have been singled out in this regard earlier on, closer to his imprisonment.
    4) The text isn't very clear, so I enlarged the "3" of 1938 and compared it to the "2" at the top of the second page, they are very similar in form, accept for 1 extra blotch in the former that makes it look like a 3. I am not sure that I am right, but it may in fact be a 2.

  3. it is hard to rad the letter even in the enlarged version

    can you retype it ???
