Saturday, March 20, 2010

The preprations for Pesach in Lubavitch

הגאון החסיד רבי אברהם אלי' פלאטקין זצ"ל - ג

Minyoneh deyomah
and in continuation of our portrayal of Reb Avrohom Elyeh Plotkin Zatz"l, the following is an extract from
a Sicha of the Friedike Rebbe, the sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe and, in his fathers lifetime, the Menahel poi'el of Yeshivas Toimchei Temimim. The Sicha is printed in Likkutai Dibburim vol 1 (translated by Uri Kaploun and published by Sichos in English [volumes 4 and 5 are available here and here], the original Yiddish edition is available here) as the Sicha of חג הפסח , תרצ"ד (1934) - חלק א. The Sicha begins with a description of the preparations for Pesach in Lubavitch and ends with a personal account of the harsh regime that he (under instruction from his father, the Rashab) imposed on a certain student, tasking him with the hardest roles in the preparations for Pesach. This student, though left unnamed in this account, is known to have been none other than Reb Avrohom Elyeh Plotkin Zatz"l.

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